What is a Good Food Club?
We are a group of households (a community) who buy good, wholesome food together on a monthly basis. We are passionate about sustainability, care about the earth, and care about what we put into our bodies.
As Michael Pollan says: ‘Serve the kind of food you know the story behind’. We do this by making conscious decisions about who we buy our food from and supporting those that strive to care for the earth, animals and people.
Here’s what we are not: We are not a shop. We are not distributors for our partners. We do not get paid by the producers to sell their food. We are not a retailer. We are not a “budget” buying club. Our aim is not to find the cheapest version of whatever we’re looking for. Our prices may sometimes be higher than your local supermarket, although for the most part we find that they are lower. Cost cutting is not our aim. Eating better is.
How does it work?
We are a monthly buying club. So we encourage members to plan ahead and buy what they will need for the upcoming month.
I will issue you with a member log-in for the ordering website.
The online ordering platform (www.newlandsgoodfoodclub.co.za) opens approximately 2 weeks prior to Collection Day, and members have roughly 7 days to place their order. I will notify you by email that the shop is open. This email will also include product updates such as price increases or new products, and the date of the next Collection Day.
Collection day, happens on the first or second Friday of the month at my house in Stamford Road, Kenilworth. Each member chooses a half hour slot between 1pm and 5pm to come and collect. You are very welcome to change your slot each month depending on what works for you.
No cash changes hands – you pay EFT for all your goods. If you are order for the first time I ask for upfront payment. Any orders placed after that are paid for post Collection Day once you receive your final invoice from me.
Other things to note
Collection Days are crazy, busy, fun days. We ask people to bear with us as we check, double check and triple check your order. We are human, this is a real, raw (sometimes flawed) way of buying food.
A small markup is added to all the produce and food we co-ordinate. This is kept as low as possible and is there to cover the time, energy and resources required by the facilitators to co-ordinate the ordering and distribution.
This is a HUMAN-run buying club, not a shop. That means that if the drought causes a shortage of milk, or the butter tastes different each season, we accept the shortage – because this is real life and we are partnering with farmers/suppliers on this venture. (Obviously if you’ve paid for an item and it doesn’t arrive you will be credited)
Please contact me (Debbie) on newlandsgoodfoodclub@gmail.com or 076 6481839 for more info.