Upland Organic Estate - Nuts & Dried Fruit

Upland Organic Estate is a small fruit and wine farm situated against the majestic Hawequa mountains near Wellington. Edmund and Elsie Oettlé produce small amounts of high quality wines, liqueurs, grappa and brandy, as well as olives, olive oil, fruits and nuts.

The farm is run according to organic farming principles, to ensure the continued health of both the environment and the consumers of our products. Organic farming makes use of natural fertilizers and pest control, and is sustainable in the long term. Vigorous, healthy plants are better able to withstand disease, and the quality of the product is likewise higher. However, these gains are offset by lower yields. On Upland Estate, organic farming techniques have been implemented for the past 28 years, and the farm is internationally certified with Ecocert.

A dramatic improvement in soil and crop quality has been evident, as well as a significant reduction in soil erosion. However, it is the quality of our products that speak for themselves.

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